Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mini Turkey Burgers

We love these little babies! This is a Martha Stewart recipe. I make the patties ahead of time so they are quick to the grill. I keep them made up in the freezer and just pull them out to thaw in the fridge the day we are having them. I have also varied the cheeses, using white cheddar as well as colby jack. Lately, I have been serving them with baked chips and a peach smoothie for a light refreshing meal.

2 slices white sandwich bread (about 1 ounce each)
1 pound (93 percent lean) ground turkey
2 ounces cheddar cheese, grated (about 1/2 cup)
1/2 small onion, grated
Course salt and ground pepper
1 tsp olive oil
12 party size rolls
Lettuce, sliced tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, for serving (optional)

1. In a food processor, pulse bread until fine crumbs form. (This can also be done in the blender). Transfer to a medium bowl; add turkey, cheese, and onion. Season with salt and pepper, and mix gently just until combined. Form twelve 2-inch patties (about 3 Tbsp each).--I weigh mine to make them even, or use a big cookie scoop.
2. In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil over medium. Cook patties until browned and cooked through, about 5 minutes per side. --(I just grill them). Serve on rolls with lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup and mustard, if desired.

Serves 4, 3 mini burgers each (We don't eat this many each! The girls eat one each and Jared and I will eat 2 each, so I can get two meals out of one batch of patties making 12).

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